Tablets, which rank high on many consumers’ shopping lists, have become an undisputed highlight for this year's peak season, with cheap, under-$200 USD devices such as Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD poised to gain major attention within the market.
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, in the third quarter of 2012 shipment volume for Chinese smartphone manufacturers was approximately 60 million units, representing a mild increase of 8% compared to 27% growth in the second quarter.
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, as the cost decline of ultrabook components like SSDs, displays, and cases becomes more apparent next year and Intel places more focus on developing processors for ultrabook use, ultrabook market size may exceed 30 million units in 2013, growing by more
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, the effects of both the economic environment and the typically slow second quarter has led to an underwhelming 2Q12 SSD market performance.
According to DRAMeXchange, a research division of TrendForce, the year 2012 will mark the beginning of the ultrabook era. PC OEMs are eagerly working on ultrabook development, and the thin-and-light trend will spur overall PC growth in 2H12.